Wednesday, January 29, 2014

I'm Back! and here's a DIY for you guyyyyss ;)

So I have been like crazy busy recently!! I have not been able to get on here but to make it up to you guys I decided to share some of my favorite DIY products that I make on a regular basis to save money and to use less chemicals and scawy stuff yannoo,

Who's excited!!!!!!!!! I know I am......

So this first recipe is for a body scrub and it literally makes your skin SO smooth it's ridiculous like why do people still spend money on body scrubs when this works so damn good,

All you need is:
Olive Oil

You just mix them untill it is like a paste and then BAM you're done. That's my kind of DIY ;).  They store great in tupperware if you want to make a lot ahead of time to be ready for when the time comes.  The time being the shower...  This also works as an amazing lip scrub and it tastes good so ANOTHER BONUS!

Another is this awesomesauce texturizing spray.  Some days... Scratch that.. Most days I am so stinking lazy that I don't want to do anything with my hair ( i know what your thinking, Francesca that happens to everyone! ) and that is where this comes in handy youurrwelcomeguys.  This is literally so simple and it saves time and overall saves your hair since you won't need to use heat to look FOOOXAAY.

Sorry I had coffee this morning xD

1 cup of water
2 Tbs epsom salt
1/2 tsp conditioner
1/2 tsp regular salt
and bam put it in a spray bottle and you have yourself some fancyshmancy spray my friend

This next recipe is for eye make up remover even though it's not really a recipe at all it's just olive oil and it will take off anything from waterproof mascara to permanent marker.  Okay maybe I exaggerated but definitely the waterproof makeup.

I guess most of these aren't even recipes..

One of my all time favorite.. not recipe but "tip" is instead of wasting $10 on dry shampoo use baby powder and coconut oil for hair masks or dry skin! there are so many things like this out there and I absolutely love playing around with all these things!

I will have a new post up soon PWOMISE this time

Looove Cesca

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Get Excited :))

So today is my 16th Birthday!!!
*cue applause*
And I was thinking that since I am going out tonight I would post a get ready with me for New Years Eve! Including step by step pictures on hair and makeup and even my outfit!! Which I am SO beyond excited for!! Make sure you check back tomorrow to see it!!

Cesca xoxox

Monday, December 30, 2013

My Opinion on Beauty Related Things I Got for Christmas 2013

Okay so the title was a little wordy.. but I thought it would be cool to do a review on some of the beauty related things that I received for Christmas this year.

One of the first things I received was the Wet Brush.  This brush claims to be less damaging for your hair when you brush it wet.  I have only tried it on wet hair once because I don't really like brushing my hair wet I feel like it breaks no matter what and I would rather wait to brush it when it is a DRY knotty mess.  It definitely did not break as much as a normal brush but I just prefer to brush it dry but this brush works AMAZING on dry hair.  It makes your hair really soft and detangles really well.  I definitely recommend the Wet Brush.  They are about $14 which is a little expensive for a brush but if you have knotty hair like mine it's worth it.

Another thing I received for Christmas this year was the Loreal Voluminous Butterfly Mascara.  I wasn't too excited about this one because for mascara I usually just stick to my Benefit They're Real Mascara and nothing else really impresses me as much.  This mascara is literally amazing.... I didn't even have to curl my lashes it just works so good its ridiculous.  I am no longer skeptical.  It sells for about $8.99 which is basically how much most drug store mascaras cost.  If you are looking for a new mascara definitely give this one a shot.

Sorry about the bad camera quality I had to take these on my phone.

These are not the only beauty things I got for Christmas they are just my top two.  I hope I helped in some way and leave a comment if you would like more reviews!

Thanks for Reading! Follow!
Love Cesca xoxo

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Let's Be Friends :)

I am Francesca, Some people call me Cesca, or Frank... I'm 16 and beauty and fashion is my passion.  Wow i rhymed without trying. High five Frank.

This blog is where I am going to post all sorts of things from DIY's to makeup tutorials and reviews and all the way to fashion.  This is gonna be funn :D

I've always wanted to have a blog and just never got around to it until now but I promise to post a lot and keep things interesting for you guys! So follow and stay tuned and hopefully I can provide you guys with a great fashion and beauty blog that can help you and entertain you.

Talk to you soon!
xoxo Cesca